

Rosa Helikopter - by Nille
Rosa Helikopter
Rosa Helikopter (Norwegian)
Stockholm - by Therese Ek
Vi Rymmer Bara Du Och Jag - by Jimmie Edfeldt
Peachmobile - by Flavius Alecu

More Wallpaper - http://www.angelfire.com/music5/peaches0/wallpapers/index.htm
Funny Norwegian page - http://www.sol.no/barn/cgi-bin/vis.cgi?side=morph
For those who don't like 'Rosa Helikopter' - http://gidderikke.no/?pageid=38
Movies and Sound

Our friends Blue Bubbles from Canada sent us this video!
Check out Peaches interview on Radiovox 8/1-05 (live from OptiHack 2005) here.
Listen to the Peaches interview from P3:s Ketchup fanclub 12/1-02 here.
And the interview (in English) from SR:s RadioSweden SONO 21/4-02 here.
Check out the Crazy Covers of Rosa Helikopter!
This is a really cool video (thanx to the dinosaurs)!
Evan Ochoa sent us a really COOL video!


Ane Tvedt sent us this drawing.
Here's a funny
drawing from someone who doesn't like Rosa Helikopter.
This is a picture of our friend
Check out this nice
drawing that Stine sent us.
This is also a nice


Check out the results and the entries from the cover competition.
Results of vote for best song of the album (Rosa Helikopter).
Results of vote for next single.


See pictures and read about the "VG-List Summer Tour" in Trondheim och Bergen.
Do you want to see the Rosa Helikopter video on Grynets Show? Vote for it here.


We've started a chat! Try it and see if you like it, if works out OK we'll set up a chance for you to chat with Peaches!